Taxation Consultancy
Navigating the maze of taxation legislation and keeping up-to-date with changes can be time-consuming and overwhelming. Let us help to ensure that both you and your business is not paying any more tax than is necessary, while at the same time minimizing and appropriately managing your tax risk.
Our advisors have skills and expertise in all areas of taxation to ensure you obtain the best tax outcomes and will not only guide you through all the legislation, they will also help you understand what it means to you and find the best solution from not only a taxation perspective but a commercial one too. Our experienced team means we can offer a wide range of services such as:
- Providing practical advice and assistance with respect to all taxes including income tax, GST, capital gains tax, payroll tax, FBT, customs duty and excise.
- Providing advice on the appropriate business structure whether in New Zealand or overseas.
- Reviewing and restructuring your business to achieve better tax outcomes now and in the future.
- Advising on business acquisitions and disposals including undertaking tax due diligence. Assisting with IRD audits and reviews, objections, private ruling applications, and dispute resolution.
- Reviewing overseas structures and transactions including consideration of transfer pricing, thin capitalization, withholding tax, and import valuation issues.
- Identifying and circumventing tax risks
- Tax planning, minimizing business and personal tax
- Review and provide investment strategies to improve your tax efficiency while ensuring that your assets are protected
We have a range of tax, accounting and advisory solutions that can be tailored to meet your needs. Please contact us to discuss how we can help you.
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