Covid-19 Business Support

Covid-19 Business Support

This lockdown was announced at 17 August 2021 and has triggered three of the government’s existing policies – Resurgence Support Payment, the Covid Wage Subsidy, and the COVID-19 Leave Support Scheme. The terms ’employee’ and ‘business’ below include sole traders and shareholder-employees.

Some information and applications may not be immediately available, so keep checking the MSD website regularly

Wage Subsidy Scheme (WSS)

For businesses which expect a loss of at least 40% revenue as a result of this lockdown
• To be paid as a two-week lump sum
• Can only be used for wages, not general operating costs
• $600 per week for each full-time employees
• $359 per week for each part-time employee

Applications expected to open on 20 August from Work and Income NZ.

Resurgence Support Payment (RSP)

The RSP is available if a business incurs a drop of 30 percent in revenue over 7 days, compared with 7 days in the last 6 weeks as a result of the Alert Level increase. For commonly owned groups, the whole group needs to be eligible before each entity can claim the RSP.

For businesses which expect a loss of at least 30% revenue as a result of this lockdown

• To be paid as a lump sum
• Can be used for general operating costs
• The amount is to be the lower of:
• $1,500 plus $400 per full-time equivalent employee (up to 50 FTEs), or
• Four times the actual revenue decline experienced by the business

Leave Support Scheme (LSS)

The LSS provides a two-week lump sum payment of either $585.80 per week for full-time workers, or $350 per week for part-time workers, who must self-isolate and cannot work from home.

For employers to help pay employees who cannot work from home while self-isolating

• $585.80 per week for full-time employees
• $350.00 per week for part-time employees

Short-Term Absence Payment (STAP)

The STAP provides a one-off (once per 30 days) $350 payment for workers who must miss work due to a COVID-19 test and cannot work from home. Further information is available on the MSD website.