Behavioural profiling


Behavioural profiling is a valuable tool, which has transformed individuals as well as businesses worldwide. It is a tool used to identify behavioural style by measuring attributes or qualities of a person and aspects of his or her personality.

It can be used in many contexts, both in the workplace and elsewhere. Behavioural profiling is particularly valuable to employers during the recruitment process as an indicator of workplace behaviour and how the applicant might fit into the role being interviewed for.

There are a number of systems for behavioural profiling. We recommend DiSC profiling as one of the most helpful to employers.


DiSC profiling — what does it measure?

DiSC is behavioural profiling not personality testing. It’s about achieving a behavioural fit for the role you wish to fill.

The DiSC behavioural model is based on research conducted by William Moulton Marston. Marston wanted to examine the behaviour of ‘normal’ people in their environment or within a specific situation. He documented his findings in the book ‘Emotions of Normal People.’

DiSC is an acronym for the four primary dimensions of behaviour:

          D — Dominance: direct, results-oriented, strong-willed and forceful

          i — Influence: outgoing, enthusiastic, optimistic and lively

          S — Steadiness: even-tempered, accommodating, patient and humble

          C — Conscientiousness: analytical, reserved, precise and systematic


What it does not measure

DiSC does not measure:

  • Personality type
  • Surface behaviour
  • Values and beliefs
  • Thinking and feeling


Why use DiSC?

DiSC assessments help Human Resources professionals, managers, and workplace experts to eliminate much of the needless mystery, misunderstanding, and conflict that stop teams from working effectively together.

if you want your employees to work well together (and with you) and give their best, then you need to be aware of behaviour and the impact it has on working relationships. DiSC assessments make this easy.

Not only can you develop a better understanding of your own needs and behaviour, you can also build an understanding of the people around you, their unique needs and why they behave the way they do.


Overview of tendencies

All people have all four behavioural tendencies but in differing proportions. The relationship of the four tendencies to each other creates a profile pattern which provides information about a person’s potential behavioural responses.

The following is a high level overview of behavioural tendencies you will see come out from DiSC profiling.


People with high … Tend to …
D (dominance) profiles seek to shape their environment by overcoming opposition to accomplish results.
i (influence) profiles shape their environment by influencing or persuading others.
S (steadiness) profiles seek to co-operate with others to carry out their tasks.
C (conscientiousness) profiles seek to work within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy.


How to arrange DiSC reporting

Fortuna International can quickly provide you with a 16 page DiSC report at a moderate cost for your shortlisted candidates, covering:

  • A behavioural overview
  • Motivating factors
  • The candidate’s preferred environment
  • De-motivating factors
  • Likely behaviours in conflict situations
  • Strategies for increased effectiveness

To arrange for a DiSC profile, go to the Fortuna International website or contact them directly:

Fortuna International Limited

P.O. Box 331089, Takapuna,

Auckland, New Zealand

Phone: (09) 488 7447

Fax: (09) 488 0040
