Family Trusts

Introduction Family trusts have become a popular way of conducting small business operations in New Zealand.  There are a number of persons who form and operate the trust. Settlor This is the person who establishes the trust and signs the trust document.  They may transfer property other than the initial settlement to the trustee to…

Pricing and Profits

This guide contains the following topics: What is profit? How to increase profit Developing a profit improvement strategy Adding value What is profit? Profit is residual The important thing to note is that profit is ‘what’s left over’. In other words, profit is residual. It is the consequence of what happens in and to your…

Terms of Trade

Areas to include When drafting terms of trade for a standard seller of goods or services consider the following areas:   Terms Notes The Parties Clearly identify the legal entity you are contracting with Goods and/or Services An exact description of the nature of the goods and/or services is essential Price Payment Including whether the…

Debt Factoring

Introduction Factoring is not new, it originated in England in the 1300s. Today it is a common method of financing business transactions. The factoring company purchases a business’ debtors’ invoices for a fee. The benefit to the business is that it receives cash for a high percentage of its debtors’ invoices, virtually simultaneously with the…

Writing Position Descriptions

Introduction A position description is a final product of a process of thinking about what you really want from this position.   Task Review Sometimes the tasks associated with the position you are recruiting to are very clear cut, such as a pastry chef, a machinist, a carpenter/joiner. However, in many businesses it is not…

Customer Advisory Board

Introduction   You can greatly improve your chances of succeeding in today’s marketplace if you focus your efforts on addressing the business issues that face your key customers. Consequently, it is more important than ever that you know ‘the voice of your customer’ and that you use this knowledge to create competitive solutions that deliver…


Introduction Marketing is the art of ‘getting yourself out there’. It is the way you let your customers and prospective customers know what you do, how you do it and where you are. Marketing can be broken into three general areas: branding and promotion, advertising, and direct marketing. If done well, these steps will naturally…

Performance Management

Introduction   When you have your employee’s employment confirmed as ongoing (after the trial or probation period) it is important to manage their performance. This should be delegated to the employee’s manager (eg customer service manager or business manager). This chapter contains the following topics: Feedback and Career Development Review Training your team Solving problems…

Key Traits of a Successful Business

Introduction   What’s the secret to success in business? Here are 16 things to start you thinking.   Contents   This guide contains the following topics: Effective leadership Outstanding customer service Strong product and industry knowledge Strong management capability Effective staff performance management Tight working capital management Understanding the key drivers and therefore the key…